Sunday, November 23, 2008

BLOG 4 - God has a Plan for My Life/Your Present is your present!

A Bit of a 'theological one' today - stay with me :)

Jeremiah 29 vs 11 "For I know the plans I have for you", says The Lord. "Plans to prosper you & not to harm you; Plans to give you a hope & a future."

Maybe one of the most well known Bible verses - GOD HAS A PLAN FOR MY LIFE! There are so many thoughts to think about regarding this verse: If you are not a "Christian" or if you are not living with Jesus right now ... please don't close the blog now thinking this doesn't relate to you ... just keep reading & see what happens :) Maybe it wasn't an accident? Some thoughts to think about re "God has a plan for my life"

1. God has plans for us - In the joys, heartaches or very normals of what life may look like for you TODAY, God has plans for you! It's pretty wild to think that if God is real he has plans for your life. If He is who he says He is then our today is not a waste - there is purpose & plans to be found in living this very ordinary or extraordinary day! YOUR LIFE IS NOT A MISTAKE!!! Feel like these words are significant for someone on this day! Everything that has happened to you - every single thing - need not be a waste - At the very beginning of our earth the God who possess all divine power took nothing & made something out of nothing - & not only did he make something out of nothing - He was IN the nothing making something! Whatever seems like "nothing" in your life is where God is right now making something ... so if you're away from God perhaps & your walk with Jesus seems like nothing - God hasn't left you, He is still there in your 'nothing'.

2. God's plans prosper us & don't harm us. The word 'Prosper' here means God's plans are designed to being us peace which brings security, safety which brings satisfaction, well-being which brings contentment, keeping us intact in wholeness & maturity. Hmmmm MATURITY!!! Maturity means growth, development, discipline, correction, the unveiling of "I am wrong & I need help to change". Maturity - has been my key word in 08 - will have to chat about this b4 the end of the year

3. God's plans give us a hope & a future. FUTURE. A word I've been thinking about this week. Is there such a thing as "The Future" - in the way we often think about it? We can never live in the future ... because when we live in the future we are living in today - living for something that will come one day seems to never come - because we always end up in "Today" - maybe that future is reversing the "Monsters Incorporated" slogan ... instead of a "Better tomorrow today" it should read "a better today tomorrow". I lived most of life for "something in the future" ... this last 12 months that's been changing ... it's hard ... but it seems to be working ... as I'm embracing God's plans for my life & realising that God's present to me (after the gift of Jesus) is my present ... sure wasn't the way I thought 'my dreams' would be outworked ... but they are his plans & so they will be the best in the end! He is the Master Planner after all

P.S - If these blogs r helping, challenging or stirring you, maybe you could pass them onto friends, family, leaders - if they're not a help, I'll try something else :) gotta aim to make the most of THIS DAY hey!

1 comment:

Jonathan Puddle said...

This resonates with me. Over the last year I've been coming to believe that we are called foremost to live and love. That life, and even existence, and the full enjoyment and experience of life, is somehow a key part of God himself. His name is "I Am", after all.

I like the idea of "a better today, tomorrow". That's cool on a number of levels.