Sunday, December 7, 2008


Do you ever feel like this? "I can't Change!" - I sure have ... & to be honest over the last little bit this thought has been coming at me more than normal ... "I can't change!"

Now some people I'm sure immediately think "Aran, that's negative, u can change u can do all things through Christ who strengthens you" - & that's true; I can do all things THAT ENTAIL TO GOD'S PLANS & PURPOSES 4 ME through Christ who gives me strength! I know I can change in Jesus - that's the truth - & then there's the specifics of change :)

On the weekend I began to write down things that I felt really needed to change in & around me - things i'd started to feel a little powerless in - not huge things, & u might read them & go "Gees you can change that if you'd just changed!"

Things like: Looking after my garden consistently, eating right, exercise regularly, what can i contribute in Church on the weekends as besides special events I'm not serving like I have for most of my life - do i pick up my drumming, bass playing, singing again, further education, learning how to make more money for the right reasons, areas of long-term struggle when it comes to thinking patterns, particularly what my everyday looks like compared to what I thought it would look like - JESUS I KNOW YOU'VE CHANGED ME & AT THE SAME TIME HOW DO I CHANGE?

ONE THOUGHT TO THINK ABOUT (& we'll stay on this blog for a few weeks)

1. Admit "I am Wrong"

This is a crazy place. To look at yourself & go "In this area of my life I've been living wrong or "The way I live in this area simply doesn't work, it's broken!" ... and if u don't have at least one of these - I reckon there could be some denial going on!

Normally we don't want to go there & so we find all sorts of things to try & prove to ourselves & others that we are OK, that we're NOT wrong. I had some massive areas here that I discovered between August & March of 07/08... but I am learning what happens when u admit you are wrong - some really good stuff comes out of it:

* We see the unholy goals we live with & get to take on New Christ-like goals - u know the ones that we plan out in our subconscious that we believe if we live a certain way, speak a certain way, be with the right kinds of people, get them to live our way of living, coming alongside our dreams, that we will live the lives we've always wanted & we will be able to push past the stuff from our pasts we haven't dealt to & the thrill of success will superseede the feelings of guilt, failure & insecurity - & it's just not true! Well it is True but not entirely true.

THE GREATEST JOYS SEEM 2B FOUND IN THE MOST NORMAL THINGS! Like waking up when you set your alarm, helping your kids get ready for school, letting your wife have a few minutes to get ready for the day, going out into the garden, making your home look as good as you can because it's just as important as that big job at work or role at Church (this was my morning)- because it's all worship! It's all about worship - Romans 12:1-2 in the Message "So here's what I want u2 do God helping you: Take your everyday life, your sleeping, eating, walking-around life & place it before God as an offering (your first & your best)

Matthew 7 says the house (the life) that stands through all of life's storms is the one that is built on The Rock (no not the wrestler) - Jesus! & it is the kindness & goodness of Jesus that leads us to repentance - admitting I am wrong & i need help to change (that will be next week's ... I need help to change!)

What do u feel like you can't change right now ... it might be deep or simple but maybe we can help each other with a few thoughts to know Christ's transforming power in our normal everyday living!

I know this is all over the place .. but anyone who knows me ... my thoughts kind of r :)


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